The Format and the numbers of the
TV show.
L 'image we all have well sculpted in the mind: a young and busty
Sofia Loren in pizzaiola and commoner version of the second post-war period, struggling with dough, fried food and betrayals in the famous episode of the film L'Oro di Napoli. Among the many false cinema historians, the film reveals an important truth: in those days it was mainly women who made fried pizzas in the alleys of Naples to supplement the meager family income. Yet today the world of pizza would seem at first glance a substantially male world, even more so than that of haute cuisine.
For this reason PIZZAGIRLS represents an element of great originality and innovation in the panorama of television series linked to the world of food. The first TV series on women's pizza dedicated to women.
For the second season 4 "maestre pizzaiole", 10 episodes each, for a total of 40 episodes.
But the real stars of the series are the pizzas "stuffed" directly by 8 guests of the show and 8 experts in the food world who will create and tell stories with the help of the "Pizzagirls",
their favorite pizza.
Author and Director of the Series